• flash for iphone下載    相關企業商業資訊
    1. 岱鐠科技有限公司

      ...nded in 2005 in Taiwan, DediProg is a company aiming at a global market of flash memories. We provide dedicated solutions for development and production of flash memories and always treat customers needs as our first concern. By designing dedicated tools, DediProg is providing the best optimized sol...

      電話:02-27907932    地址:台北市內湖區新明路143巷7號4樓
    2. 怡得股份有限公司

      Ndevr Corp. was founded and headquartered in Taipei, Taiwan. USB Flash Drive and Memory Card Case are our main product lines. Thanks to rubber material and data secure technology, Ndevr has built up an excellent reputation for high quality and good industry designs in the Flash Memory marketplace to...

      電話:02-23690586    地址:台北市大安區羅斯福路3段191號4樓
    3. 亞世大資訊

      開發 行銷 iPhone/iPod/iPad , Android平板電腦和電腦周邊相關產品. Our expert team is a full range service in IT and trading business, offering variety solutions to clients for global IT product SCM and trading platforms.We have been helping our clients to do business and manage their ...

      電話:02-22688005    地址:新北市土城區忠承路 永寧科學園區 (捷運 永寧站 2號出口)
    4. 麥司奇科技股份有限公司

      ...。團隊擅長的技術與領域有:● 程式語言設計:Java、Flex/Flash● 手機程式開發:Android / iPhone● VOIP / SIP 系統整合

      電話:04-23165803    地址:台中市西屯區漢口路二段151號13樓之9
    5. 全邦科技有限公司

      電腦周邊製造商,主要產品為flash memory相關周邊及iPHONE iPAD周邊,為擴大業務範圍,徵求手機維修人員,歡迎對手機維修有興趣的人員加入。

      電話:02-86473606    地址:新北市汐止區大同路3段202號7樓之3

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